Data Type

Character string

Default Value

None. This is an input parameter only.


This directive may be used to obtain various reports on the current status of FMS. You may obtain a list of the available reports by entering SHOW at the FMSSET> prompt as follows:

SHOW What?
Enter one of the following:
SHOW=PARAMETERS for FMS parameter values
SHOW=MODIFIED   for modified FMS parameters only
SHOW=MEMORY     for status of memory allocation
SHOW=MALLOC     for status of malloced memory
SHOW=FILES      for status of opened files
SHOW=FMSDISK    for file systems used
SHOW=CALLS      for subroutines called and I/O report
SHOW=PROBLEM    for maximum problem size parameters
SHOW=SEMAPHORES for status of semaphores
SHOW=STACK      for subroutine call stack
SHOW=SEMHISTORY for history of semaphores
SHOW=IOQUEUE    for status of I/O queue
SHOW=USAGE      for usage statistics
SHOW=PLACEMENT  for detail NUMA memory placement
SHOW=PLACEMENTSUMMARY for NUMA placement summary
SHOW=LIBRARIES  for shared object libraries

At the FMSSET> prompt you can obtain any of the reports by entering

where value is the name of one of the reports.

You can also print any of the reports from within your application by entering the line

        CALL FMSCST('SHOW', 'value')
For example you can show the current memory allocation with
or the current open files with

You can also generate WEB pages that contain this (and other) information concurrently with your run by including IWATCH in your License File.